Monday, March 21, 2011

Tonight- SUCKED!


So, I haven’t been on the treadmill since…don’t hate me…Thursday.

Friday night I went to a friends house. Saturday night I was too sleepy to even think about working out, and Sunday night was pretty much the same. Well, Sunday I was outside standing on a bridge for 4 hours watching snow machines go across open water. For those who have me on Facebook, check out my album and the couple of videos I posted! Smile

So anyway, back to tonight. I watched Dancing With The Stars (Woo! Go Kirstie Alley and Chris Jericho!) and then decided to work out. Now, as you may know, I’ve been using the Couch to 5K app on the iPod Touch. Great program! Apparently, you’re only supposed to do it 3 times a week, so it did kind of work out well. Anyway, up til now, I’ve been doing 60 seconds of jogging, and 90 seconds of walking. Which worked out well and was even getting to the point that it was getting easier. Well, apparently when you hit week 2 it goes to 90 seconds jogging, 2 minutes walking. You would think this would be easier…but nooooo….

I crapped out. Not literally, but I hit the 16 minute mark and started to see black dots in my vision. Not a good thing. So I got it back to a slow walk and tried to cool off. No such luck. So I had to cop out, when there was fifteen minutes left. Almost half way through. Which sucked ass, no offense to anyone out there. I feel so disappointed in myself, but I know that if I had of kept going I would have passed out and that would not have ended well at all. So, I got off the treadmill, and stretched for a good 5 minutes, really focusing on my legs. And I was sitting on a cement floor which was an added bonus! Even music didn’t help today. Frig!

So I’m going to do 2 days of working out, 1 day off. A friend of mine told me that I need a rest day, and he’s been doing this since January. Which totally makes sense to me! Right now I’m feeling sick to my stomach and my mouth hurts which is a sign of ibuprofin wearing off and needing water. So this is all I’m going to write tonight, going off to read a bit and get myself settled down.

Thanks for reading, drop me a line if you’d like!
